Load Testing
Ensuring Your Equipment Is Up to the Task
We offer a full suite of load testing services to certify safe working loads across all types of lifting devices.
Load testing is vital to the creation of a safe lifting environment. While our inspection and maintenance services monitor the condition of your equipment at regular intervals over time, load testing checks that the asset can safely perform its task before it is put into use.
When you introduce any new machinery, it is essential that it is tested first to confirm the load parameters it can safely work within. This testing requirement also applies when any of your lifting devices undergo major alterations or repair, or if you commission bespoke or one-off equipment designs. We provide a wide range of load testing options that help you to protect the safety of your staff and facilities, and to comply with your statutory obligations.

Comprehensive Solutions
Our extensive testing facilities can accommodate any crane or hoist configuration. Depending on your set-up and on the nature of the lifts you carry out, we can undertake static tests that anchor from the floor, we can employ our calibrated test weights or we can apply our hydraulic pull testers. We have also invested in a Class A, 60-tonne horizontal test bed, allowing us to pull test, load test and test to destruction at our premises in Dublin.

Full-Service Approach
We manage the whole process for you from start to finish, arranging any cranage or haulage needed and organising all the relevant logistics. Where possible, we schedule your load testing alongside our routine inspection or maintenance activities to minimise any disruption to your operations.

Results You Can Trust
Once everything is in place, our engineer witness tests your lifting device, and we issue you with a test certificate confirming the load that your equipment successfully performs to spec. A copy of the certificate is recorded on our database for future verification or audit purposes. As all our testing equipment is calibrated by strain gauge load cell testing and certified by the manufacturer, you can be confident that the safety of your team is well taken care of and that you have the necessary paperwork to satisfy any in-house or third-party audit.